Reporting on human rights with GRI Standards 2021 Update
Reporting on human rights with GRI Standards 2021 Update
An in-depth overview and analysis of how to report on human rights with the GRI Standards
Participants of the GRI Certified Standards Training course will learn how to use the GRI Standards to manage the reporting process. This course also incorporates strategies to apply GRI’s Principles for defining report content and ensuring report quality. In this training you’ll learn to:
Assess an organization’s significant impacts along the value chain
Conduct stakeholder engagement as a function of sustainability reporting
Decide what belongs in the sustainability report
Produce performance measures
Align your report with multiple reporting platforms (for example CDP or Integrated Reporting)
Develop top-quality sustainability reports
Participants will walk away with a better understanding of how GRI relates to their specific organization, how it applies to daily business activities and how it can help with strategic planning.
This 2-Day equivalent GRI Standards course, split across four 4-hour sessions, will be taught online with live course instruction. It is strongly recommended that participants attend four consecutive sessions as we cannot guarantee space or availability of make-up sessions.